The Gods - Volume V - The Xymortiis – Silivontis
that the mushroom cults were done with their war and far apart now, however the second moon (the one not controlled by the
4IedCraven) had seen so much war, that it sought to plummet down, straight down and drive the cults all to Hell, but it
closed its eyes first to shun what it saw. Before it opened its eyes again it had already began its descent
to the earth without knowledge that the war was well over and that everyone had moved unknowingly from his targeted spot.
Half way down the moon finally opened its eyes to look at its targeted victims' fearing faces just to find empty space
in place. It was far to late for the moon to stop or even slow its drive down and so the moon hit the
earth with great force, and destructive power. The moon drove so strongly that it broke through the earths crust to Hell.
Hell emptied out and flowed across the earth leaving the earth somewhat cooler, with half of its center gone from warming
the planet, the moon however, plugged the hole enough that no more molten lava was extracted. Sacred and mysterious crystals
fell from the moon. Some say these were tears of the moon which sprinkled the molten lava spilt from Hell. The crystals
absorbed the lava and became actively possessed with an evil air that desired a vessel, a living thing. The closest living
thing. Roughly 200 yards away in traumatic terror, from the crash, was a small gray rabbit. Innocent in unknowing, the rabbit
had just been victimized by Hell. The crystals violently fled in great speed to, piercing, and going through the rabbit. Over
and over the crystals fled through the rabbit leaving mutilated holes, and soon unrecognizable remains of the once living
rabbit. Bones crushed and no longer within the corpse the crystals filled the spots were bones and flesh should have
been. With no organs, and no blood only Hellfire filled crystal shards remained. The celestial and Hellfire powers begun
to revive and revitalize him. His shard splints glowed as flesh and fur that was once shredded covered the crystals. He was
returned from the dead, also rising with him, were unknown powers and abilities. Frightened by his sudden rebirth the
once rabbit, abomination fled away, out of the Cravens view who had watched the entire event most intensively. The rabbit
was scared by everything as it struggled to wrap its mind around what had happened. It couldn't and panicked. It wandered
and fell into a field of odd plants with fuzzy dangling flowers. Still in over whelming fear, it attacked the plants gnawing
on all the emerald green leaves of the Salvia Divinorum plants. The plants bitter juice calmed the rabbit and helped him slow
and concentrate. He was able to sort out his thoughts, he was able to think thoughts and comprehend. With intellect he desired
a name, for he felt supreme and deserving of a name. Creativity overcame him and he thought ... Silivontis. His ability
to think and process such complicated things, knowing that not long ago he was a simple instinctive creature, but now he had
a very powerful mind. Minds are typically powerful but his was diverse and open to possibilities unimagined by him before.
Open to anything and surrounded by the nature he always knew but not the same Nature he now KNEW. He understood the Nature
and life around him; he could feel it filter through the Hell within him, as if he was one with life and death, one with Nature
and Hell. Able to think about nothing else at his state of calm he could hear Nature speak to him, it spoke of power
and coexistence between Nature and Silivontis. The power to claim and control the plant Salvia Divinorum, the communication
wire between Nature and Silivontis. Silivotis however had bigger greedier plans. Plans that he didn’t tell Nature, plans
of knowledge and plans to obtain it. Plans to rise up and compare in power with the Craven, who he had now noticed in the
stars high above him. Plans to someday kill the Craven and become the god over the gods. The Craven foresaw this and at first
found it amusing, then saw that Silivontis was serious and potentially able to do this. Now the Craven looked for a flaw to
stop this from happening. Curious, the Craven decided to rain down and flood the earth and drown the wicked diviners herb.
He did this but with in his short termed planning he miss thought one thing, clean up. There was all this water with Salvia,
as well as plants he claim claimed, all with nowhere to drain. So he tilted the world and poured it all in his mouth,
drinking all the substance induced water. Drinking all this water blew open his mind with an endless stream of journeys of
him and others alike, filling him with psychic insight. Too much insight that he couldn't see with only the two eyes that
he had, and still too much insight for his powerful third eye. So thus four eyes were hallowed, with the two new
eyes pried open above his first two. He could now see clearly, with far more powerful insight to fill his mind he became renamed
as the all mighty 4IedCraven The God Of All Storms. Silivontis stayed hidden for if the 4IedCraven found him, he would be,
simply put, no more. However from that time he went into hiding forever fleeing the glare of the 4IedCraven. Secretly attempting
to reclaim his place by planting Salvia in hidden places for others to join him on his quest, to support him, by supporting
this plant. Keeping all forms of the plant out of the 4IedCravens (the moons) four eyed searing sight.
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