The Gods - Volume IV - The Xymortiis - The Madd Hatter Heart
beginning, his birth, his history was unknown, but at the time he was a mere rouge, an agent of himself, who found and watched
the Kombachu possibly simply out of chance. Once the Madd Hatter Heart found the rebellious Kombachu Mushroom Cult, he was
intensively interested in the curious little beings and observed their struggle, debating weather or not he should have acted
sooner. Both the mushroom cults being made of radioactivity had thus made the mushroom cult war radioactive; nothing good
could come from this radioactive war. All their battles had created Himaroshi the forth deity, and the continuance of the
war was making him vary powerful. The Madd Hatter Heart had deep fear that someday this hateful daemon would some day destroy
everything. The Madd Hatter Heart saw a painful flaw in the Kombachu Mushroom Cult that made them weak, they were unorganized,
without direction, and unfocused. They were without a leader and very lost and misguided. The Madd Hatter Heart saw an
opening of opportunity and moved in. Almost suddenly it was that the confused mushroom cult noticed him, and saw that he could
lead and make decisions that would benefit the mushroom cult and strengthen their motives. The Madd Hatter Heart was having
no trouble in leading the Kombachu and in vary little time he was made King of the Kombachu Mushroom Cult. After kinghood
the Madd Hatter Heart wasted no time in taking charge. First order of business was to stop feeding Himaroshi with the power
he craved by stopping the mushroom cult war. After sometime and much work the war was put to a halt, with the Kombachu
on the run. The Madd Hatter Heart finally succeeded in completely stopping the war but it had been a decade long war,
it had been too long and too late, Himaroshi was already too powerful for any lone force to stop. The other gods, currently
unnunited had seen his power enough to recognize and revere him as a fellow god. For now there was nothing the Madd Hatter
Heart could do about Himaroshi, for now the Madd Hatter Heart would just rule over and lead the Kombachu Mushroom Cult and
likewise be recognized as a god.
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