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A Broken Divinity

A Broken Divinity

The second divinity called a broken divinity is made of a sideways yin-yang symbol. The top half is to be your favorite color while the bottom half is to be a rainbow of all colors accessible. The circle in the top half should have in it a fitting symbol of something you support weather its a group symbol or a universal symbol. The circle in the bottom half has triquetra in it, in this should be three things your most interested in or enjoy the most.


The purpose of the broken divinity is to express and be proud of the absence of perfection within us as human and mortal. Through the uniqueness of the individual. The yin-yang shape represents inner self-peace and the comfort ability of being in ones own skin. The top half represents you and the bottom half represent all of your feelings so as to not leave any out. The yin-yang shape also represents your feelings entwining and reacting with your likes and dislikes and interests.


A Broken Divinity
By: KuCHiRIkaTo

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