I Believe...
In something I call The Compromise Of Creativity. Everything we see idea, thought, whatever it maybe is just a form of creativity.
If you and I agree with that thought or idea, it might be true to us. Since we both might agree on the truth of that,
we structure a sort of peace between us.
Truth in creativity and creativity in truth. Through the power of art, creativity, ideas, and thoughts, truth is found upon
the agreement of those.
In the supernatural, superspiritual, and unexplained accurences that might go by any other name/names.
That the Earth is a living and god-like spirit that allows us to live on it, with it.
V. That
spirit, I call the Earth Mother, is the womb of life. She feeds our bodies through the plants that we eat and through the
meat that also fed on the plants, and our minds through the plants that inspire our theories.
That mankind has strayed away from the realization that the Earth lives. We aren't the only ones inhabiting this land, aside
from the other creatures of the land, the land also inhabits us. I think we forget that, and I think we get bored easily with
little dilligence.
The words right and wrong are words that sound too quick to certainty, as if that is the way things should be.
All living things are part of the Earth Mother.
All plants are gifts from the Earth Mother, and are connected with animals by that sense of speaking.
All plants have a purpose and an invokeable power of usefulness. Weather it be a power of beauty or power of nutrision or
even still, power of stimulation.
By invoking a plant, one invokes the spirit of the Earth Mother and all living things.
If I ever have a supply of plant or herb that someone else wishes to use but I worry or suspect that the other will
not honer or respect the spirit of the herb, I WILL NOT lend any of my supply.
I may instead help them find their own supplier, for whatever they may seek is not worth my disrespect of the spirit.
These gifts from the Earth mother are a privilage for us to be able to employ.
Right and wrong is determined by beliefs, often mass beliefs.
Like Einstine proposed E=MC2 (I believe that is it). Energy is not made or changed just converted and combined. With this
in mind I believe nothing will die, they live forever but in different forms. (I will expand on this more later.)
In being respectful of others beliefs.
In an untimate creater, an ultimate "God" that no one religion can possably explain or imagine.