The Cult - The Xymortiis

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The Yama Matuki Mushroom Cult

The Gods - Volume II - The Xymortiis - The Yama Matuki Mushroom Cult


The mushroom people remained unaware of their creator and never questioned their existence. The mushroom people made their own beliefs and were shunned away from the Cravens' followers. No one even suspected that the Craven might have created this strange new mushroom race. All of Cravens' disciple’s had not received answers to their prayers and believed it was because of their association with these mushroom people. The banished mushroom people stayed firm to their beliefs and declared themselves the independent Yama Matuki Mushroom Cult. The Yama Matuki lived very tribally yet peacefully for 15 fruitful years but being created in the Cravens own light thay became bored and wanted to lead over inferior beings. Thay too wanted to be gods and this want became a strong desire. The Yama Matuki put forth all their wise priests and clerics into making a creature for them to rule over. In due time their efforts went to worth with the development of an evolution of sugar and radioactivity with Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) as a mold . They had made a less superior being the exact same way as the Craven had created them and with the same intent in mind, The Yama Matuki had too created these beings in their own image. A year and a half had passed with a rocky relationship between the Yama Matuki and this new mushroom race. The Yama Matuki thought this new race not to be very smart, the Yama Matuki got the impression that this race was not smart enough to comprehend their creators supposed godly hood. This thought discouraged the Yama Matuki into thinking they had failed. They took out their anger by belittling and soon enslaving their creation. In a five year span after their creation, this new race had began to rapidly grow and develop mentally just enough to rebel and fight off their own slavery. These new mushroom people finally broke away and in rebellious format established themselves cult worthy, in payback tribute to their undeniable forefathers' culthood. They renamed themselves from being 'the new mushroom people' to being the Kombachu Mushroom Cult. And so after the two mushroom cults had been declared free from rulers. They had also declared eachother arch enemies and their feud had evolved into a war.

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